It has been a year since Strikemygoal Digital Marketing is founded. Therefore I think I should it would be nice to have some important findings documented here.
Throughout the year, I’ve been actively reaching out to local businesses and telling them the importance of getting the business online and ride on the eCommerce wave. Well, that’s the same thing Alibaba’s founder- Jack Ma did for the past decade. But, frankly the majority are either too defensive on the “new” idea, too stingy to invest or too “busy” to grow. Of course it is pretty difficult to be convinced especially when the existing revenue is dropping.
I also faced the dilemma while being introduced by a good friend on mine to convince a plastic manufacturer in bringing his business online, that is to help him selling more plastic products thus producing more plastic products. It took me quite awhile to figure out how to position myself prior to the meeting. FYI, my vision of setting up Strikemygoal is to help social responsibly businesses to grow or at least influence them to pursue this path as part of the marketing effort. The ultimate goal is to reallocate wealth from the “least social responsible” business to the more social responsible ones or in the other words hoping to create the awareness of the “profit first” businessman to follow this path.
However the plastic manufacturer I met was trying to convince me that the most recyclable material in the world is Plastic. He made the comparison that plastic is reproducible by the collected plastic waste whereas material like wood cannot be recycle and will takes years to grow up within a tree. During the conversation, I still made the pitch about how hazardous plastic is to the planet earth and the importance of recycling them. I explained that the way I can help to grow the business social responsibly is to market his effort as regards to environmental friendly manufacturing process, material selection, waste handling etc.

Well, you guessed it right, I didn’t win the project.
I also had the chance to work with a renown inspirational speaker namely Peter Sage through my primary school friend- Kevin. Yes, Primary school, we know each other for more than 30 years but only talk once or twice a year during new year gathering. We are helping Peter to restart his education business after his serve time which was resulted from a business deal conflict with Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
When I was conducting some research on Peter, I questioned Kevin whether he was sure about the guy we were going to work with? I had to admit I did have some perceptions on a jailed person. But after going through his work and knowing more about his contribution during his serve time, I can only be impressed. Peter has been inspirational and his content about quantum alignment really blew my mind away. My vision also got realigned with the theory of Contribute and Grow whereby every living creature on the planet should play its role, otherwise will be eliminated or gone extinct. Everything just started to make sense how I got into working with Peter as far as I understood quantum entanglement within the quantum field.
Here’s some of the work we currently doing to optimize Facebook funnel for one of the Peter’s products.

So right now, I’m practicing meditation, following the scientifically proven way of Dr. Joe (as recommended by Kevin) who is making use of the quantum theory.

Till next time, be good!