Digital Marketing Consultant in Malaysia is a digital marketing agency founded with the aim to help traditional businesses with offline business model to explore and penetrate the online market. We provide one-stop consultancy services from setting up the online stores, payment gateway, logistic solution until the crucial part of digital marketing. We truly understand that an online business won’t sell automatically by itself especially when a brand is not as well-known and resourceful as big brands such as Nestle and Durex. It requires some very creative digital marketing strategy and product positioning to stand out from the crowd, receives attention and start selling online. What makes us different from other digital marketing agencies in Malaysia is that we have hands-on experience of starting up and sustaining an online business with a proven model. Plus we have the dedication to share and duplicate the success for our fellow entrepreneurs who are environmentally conscious, guided by the following Vision and Mission statements.
To create a more balanced digital economy ecosystem in the region by allowing wealth and resources to be shared evenly across the society for those who deserves it.
- To challenge the status quo and innovate marketing strategies to help businesses to achieve their goals.
- To help traditional offline businesses to gain online exposure and/or transform into the digital business model.
- To influence businesses to become greener and more environmentally responsible by building its green identity and marketing it digitally.
Yes, you heard me right. It is not necessary to have a multi-million advertising budget in order to compete with the big boys on internet. However, it is also the fact that we are living in the era of EVERYONE CAN SELL ONLINE and facing intense competition in the online dimension in both digital marketing and producing sale.
The good news is, the small guy like us now stand a chance to compete with the big boys.

Thanks to the technology today, online buyers no matter a value seeker (someone who is hunting for discount and best deal) or impulse buyer (visual oriented buyer), both can be influenced and targeted strategically by designing and packaging the offerings and marketing it online. The essence of it is to use creative work to craft a story for your business and gain attention from the people in the shortest period of time as possible.
Digital Marketing Consultant in Malaysia has successfully created a new online brand which generates steady revenue stream from the online channels, literally accomplished within a very limited budget. In the other words, the operation of this established business model is sustainable by its own revenue with its key products being listed on first page of Google organic search results. To date, Boxingpartner have shipped tens of thousands waste separation bins made of degradable materials to households, offices, schools etc. It is working towards targeting the audience who is environmental conscious, as the important part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) marketing strategy.
Both organic search results below dated on 20th March 2017 and publish while this content is being updated. They are the results of creative marketing which is a package consisting of product positioning and online marketing designed to drive public demand and attention.

The Big Picture of the Digital Economy

The fact is that today’s manufacturers no longer relying solely on their offline distribution channels to reach their customers. With the rising of eCommerce, big brands such as Nestle and Durex have set up their online channels and started selling directly to the consumer. Even hypermarket giant, TESCO had started selling thousands of household products online much earlier. The recent Lazada’s stake acquisition by Alibaba group further strengthened the fact that the online trend is inevitably huge in the South East Asia region, which the eCommerce tycoon has invested USD1B on.

That also means that fellow Malaysian can buy the lower cost china goods much easily than ever before.

It will definitely becoming much easier and efficient to buy online moving forward. Just look at the supply chain, from manufacturers to retailers, most of the big players have already taken action. Would you consider the consumable goods manufacturers are just having too much to worry or overreacting while the Hypermarkets like TESCO keeps on introducing new house brand products to their million (and growing) online buyers out there?
Do you think that your current offline business model will remain competitive for not going digital? If the answer is YES, how long it would last before everyone can order the similar products/ services you are offering with their mobile phone even while they are busy with important business?

No matter you are currently selling to businesses or end consumers, the fact is that investing in digital is not an option anymore. I’m not just talking about selling online, but making your product/ services easily found online, and extending the visibility to your target’s mobile phone screen whereby research shows that people easily view their phone screen for more than 300 times a day. We are in the era where consumer becomes much powerful and influential than ever before, consumers can easily choose to buy from who and share the information/ experiences they have with the world within a few clicks. Even big corporate like Maxis can get into trouble in the extremely connected world today.
Opportunity and Threat

This provides a chance for startups or small/ medium enterprises to compete with the capital intensive corporations, provided things are done strategically and efficiently. In the next 10 years we shall see the global wealth to be redistributed more evenly across the globe with more stubborn corporates being scaled down and startups/ young enterprises picking up rapidly whereby it is coincidentally commented by journalist on Sin Chew Daily. Digital presence will becomes increasingly vital as compared to bricks and mortals (physical building/ shops) especially for the retail businesses. The wave of shopping mall closure is real, how soon you get your brands/ products to be part of the big data as emphasized by Alibaba Founder: Jack Ma will decide your destiny.
Saying it is much easier than doing it, if you are an existing business owner or someone who is just starting-up a business and having the passion to serve the community with a strong purpose in mind, in the other words you are not just running a business merely to make money by exploiting our environment, Digital Marketing Consultant in Malaysia would love to help your business grow.

Simply fill up this contact form and we shall get in touch with you soon.